LAST UPDATED: 20230406


Historic KM Flag - Doenitz - called FdU before 19391017 Historic KM Flag - Godt - Doenitz's right hand in the staff
Historic KM Flag - Winter - Kommandant (1.UF) Historic KM Flag - Sohler - Kommandant (7.UF)
Historic KM Flag - Schuetze - Kommandant in PAU-operations (2.UF) Historic KM Flag - Cohausz - Kommandant (11.UF)
Historic KM Flag - Zapp - Kommandant (3.UF) Historic KM Flag - Dommes - Kommandant (MON)
Historic KM Flag - Moehle - Kommandant in training-operations (5.UF) Historic KM Flag - Frauenheim - Kommandant in MED-operations (23./29.UF)

- Grey Eminence - [OKAY] = Status of 20230406 - THREAD [DONE] - SP= 0; CP= 0; MP= 0; EE= 0; - Forum&Server Admin -

- FIEDLER - [OKAY] = Status of 20230406 - THREAD [DONE] - SP= 1; CP= 0; MP= 0; EE= 0; U-413 - VIIc -
- ButcherBiird - [OKAY] = Status of 20230404 - THREAD [2do!] - SP= 1; CP= 0; MP= 1; EE= 0; U-2511 - XXI
- Convoy_PQ17 - [OKAY] = Status of 20230323 - THREAD [DONE] - SP= 1; CP= 0; MP= 0; EE= 0; U-450 - VIIc
- Donovan - [OKAY] = Status of 20230129 - THREAD [2do!] - SP= 1; CP= 0; MP= 0; EE= 1; U-78 - VIIc
- Weber - [OKAY] = Status of 20230123 - THREAD [2do!] - SP= 1; CP= 0; MP= 1; EE= 0; U-79 - VIIc

=[AWAiTiNG PROPER REPORT/LOST CONTACT]= ♦ NOTE ♦ Players not reporting in will be removed after max 2 months!
A simple one-liner in your thread as a life-sign at least once a month is NOT asked too much! No ifs, buts or maybes.998272bpre.gif

=[RESERVES]= ♦ NOTE ♦ RESERVISTS must use DAPP and re-register again. If no contact for 6+ months, their dead weight will be removed.

- BL!TZKR!EG - [RETiRED] in 2022
- gatordad - [RETiRED] in 2019
- Alfred Keitzer - [RETiRED] in 2017
- Aras - [RETiRED] in 2016
- Laufen zum Ziel - [DECEASED] has passed away 20150615

[OKAY] = Active (ready, awaiting orders or on patrol)
[MiA] = Missing in Action (no report for more than 1 month) - Have you forgotten to request LOA ?
[LOA] = Leave of Absence (sort of shore leave) - TILL YYYYMMDD - This is what YOU request when you take a break.
[ADM] = Administrative duties, such as working on forum/site, see the admin-log for news and results.

- Steuermann / Navigation Officer - Doing the navigation of this flotilla and therefore giving directions: BL!TZKR!EG
- IWO - BdU Assistants increase the drill at all times and give orders: BL!TZKR!EG, Grey Eminence
- Mechaniker - Specialized workgroups (ARBEITSGRUPPEN) take care of forum, website, documentation, modding and design.
- Medizinischer Dienst - Recruiting new users and helping them on board and with their installs/setup.
- Torpedomaat - Ingeniously hitting on the spot with programming, mission-writing and campaign-design.
- Bordkanone - Scheduling and hosting MultiPlayer/Wolfpack-meetings and helping users with Manual Targeting
- Funkmaat(Fk.Mt.) - The radio-operators ensure secure ENiGMA-communications: N/A
- Flak - SonderKommandos are part of our new defense-operations such as OPERATION KERNEVEL
- Maschinenmaat - Taking care of our engines (servers): Grey Eminence


Our point-table is now software-controlled and can be publicly seen here:
The software behind all this is called module_APTG() (="Automatic Point Table Generator") and is described with our other tools here.